Granite Bay Preschool
9145 Auburn Folsom Rd, Granite Bay, CA
Spanish Immersion Preschool In Granite Bay
Step by Step Preschool is an all-inclusive child care program in Granite Bay, California. Request a tour today! Welcome to the farmhouse Preschool where children learn by doing! The only Granite Bay Spanish Immersion Preschool where kids experience goats, pigs, ducks, and horses every day!

preschool Granite Bay Daily Activities
Step by Step, Paso a Paso Daily Schedule
Morning Schedule
A.M. Class 8:00-12:45
Time | Activitiy |
8:00 - 9:00 | Free Choice and Art Studio Time. Children have the option to be indoor or outdoors |
9:00 - 9:20 | Circle Time (welcome, calendar, poem) |
9:20 - 9:50 | Learning Centers (children get to engage in our 10 learning stations) |
9:50-10:00 | Spanish Circle Time |
10:00 - 10:15 | Snack Time |
10:15 - 10:30 | Hands-on math activities |
10:30 - 11:00 | Writer’s workshop and Fine Motor Development Workshop |
11:00 - 12:00 | Outside/Farm Animal/Garden Time |
12:00-12:30 | Lunch Time |
12:30-12:45 | Good-Bye Time |
Afternoon Schedule
P.M. Class 1:00-4:00
Time | Activitiy |
1:00- 1:15 | Free Choice. Children have the option to be indoors or outdoors |
1:15- 1:30 | Circle Time (welcome, calendar, poem) |
1:30 - 2:00 | Learning Centers (children get to engage in our 10 learning stations) |
2:00-2:10 | Spanish Circle Time |
2:10-2:30 | Snack Time |
2:30-3:00 | Writer’s Workshop and Fine Motor Development Workshop |
3:00-3:55 | Outside/Farm Animal/Garden Time |
3:55-4:00 | Good-Bye Time |
preschool Granite Bay spanish speaking
Play-Based Curriculum:
Play-based learning is necessary for developing solid social and emotional skills as well as developing creativity. We believe in letting children be children. Our play-based curriculum consists of free play and learning centers. Play helps children develop many skills such as solving problems, developing critical thinking skills necessary to ask questions and figure out how things work, integrate all types of learning, apply mental representation of the world to new objects, people, and situations. Through these activities, children begin to strengthen their language, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual development. By providing our children with Learning Centers, we give them an opportunity to explore different areas through hands-on activities and creativity. Each center will meet the developmental needs of our children and will focus on the following learning areas: math, writing, memory development, art, manipulative development, gross motor, and fine motor skill development, and critical thinking. When a child is at the center, they are free to execute the activity as they see fit. Teachers will always be present to guide and present a child with questions, but if a child discovers a different way of executing the center, that is fine with us, as we do want to disrupt any self-teaching that may be occurring.

Formal Instruction Learning:
We believe that preschool-age children can properly learn if they are presented with the proper curriculum that fits their learning needs and is age-appropriate. We believe in teaching children new concepts through our workshops. The Step by Step program teaches children formal instruction through four different workshops: Fine motor Skills Development, Reading and Writing, Math, and Science. The workshops are 30 minutes long and are teacher-directed. We believe that the key to having a successful workshop is that the engagement level of the child has to be as high as play-based learning. These workshops must also be conducted in small group settings (no more than six children) in order to maximize individual attention. We also believe that these concepts are acquired in stages; a child must master the previous stage and have the desire to move on to the next stage. Children are separated by ability, not age as we believe that all children learn at different paces.
Granite Bay Preschool Indoor Activities
Free Activity Time:
Gives children an opportunity to independently choose an activity they wish to engage with. There will be a variety of activities available from which children can choose.
Circle Time:
Gives children an opportunity to experience being part of a community. The children will greet each other and participate in different activities such as creative movement, music, games, stories, language arts, etc. Circle time will be adapted to meet the needs of each age group.
Math Workshop:
At the preschool age, math skills are best acquired through hands-on experience and exploration. We immerse children in engaging lesson plans which allow them to learn strands such as number recognition, one-to-one correspondence, estimation, patterns, and spatial concepts. We have a new math strand every two weeks in order to expose children to a variety of mathematical concepts.
Fine Motor Skills Development Workshop:
The age group in this workshop is approximately 2.9 and 3 years of age. Children at this age learn best through exploring. The goal of this workshop is to develop children’s fine motor skills, retention levels, cognitive development and lay down a solid foundation where they can build upon as they grow. This workshop also helps teach a child letter and number recognition, shapes, and colors. To keep the excitement of learning alive and keep our students engaged, a new learning theme is presented each week. Themes such as the rainforest, outer space, and under the sea inspire our daily fine motor skills workshop activity. By introducing a new theme a week, children are also exposed to more vocabulary. It is essential that children at this age group master proper fine motor development and teachers conduct early intervention if needed.
Writer’s Workshops:
The age group in this workshop is approximately 4 and 5 years of age. Children learn letter-sound associations and how to write their letters. Once they have a firm knowledge of sound associate and writing letters, they are ready to start the early stages of reading. We also teach children to have a love of reading by exploring books and introducing reading comprehension skills. The children that have gone through our writer’s workshop program enter kindergarten with the necessary skills and confidence.
Story Time:
Gives children an opportunity to use their imagination and learn through literature. Stories can be related to the curriculum and the seasons. Children will be involved and will actively participate by asking questions, answering questions, predicting what will happen next, etc.
Outdoor Time:
Our outdoor time is pure play-based. Children will have the opportunity to play, get messy, engage in true play, learn to take care of their school animals, and watch their school garden grow. We strongly believe that children need time and space to be kids and get lost in the joy of imagination and childhood fun. Our kids get messy and we are OK with that!