Admission and Registration

Preschool in Granite Bay Ca.

Step By Step, Paso a Paso serves children ages 2 years 9 months to 6 years of age. We do not require that your child be potty trained.

If you are interested in applying to Step by Step, Paso a Paso, we require families to tour first to ensure that our teaching philosophy aligns with your expectations and goals for your child. Please email Melissa Mendoza to schedule a tour.

Our enrollment is based on a first-come, first-served basis and opens up on February 15th.

Preschool in Granite Bay Ca.

Kindergarten Readiness (TK Program)

The curriculum at Step by Step, Paso a Paso was developed to help advance the skills a child needs for social development and kindergarten. We utilize a curriculum developed around kindergarten readiness and play-based interaction. Our curriculum will be taught in English and Spanish. By introducing children to a different language and culture, children will be inspired to explore a world beyond their own. The exposure to a second language holds many substantial benefits that assist in the developmental process of a child. In addition, children are introduced to specialty games, puzzles, and concepts that help introduce and develop critical thinking.

Preschool in Granite Bay Ca. 95746

We follow the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C. and their directions to business owners.